The MPAC 'ENGAGE' Campaign Enters Its Phase 2! - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

September 05, 2018

The MPAC 'ENGAGE' Campaign Enters Its Phase 2!

The MPAC 'ENGAGE' Campaign is an initiative to empower and encourage Muslims to to consciously participate in the political and civic process in the country. You can read more about this campaign here as previously shared

The first phase of the Campaign was awareness for people to get registered and collect their Permanent Voter’s Card (PVC). This was done via social media promotions and distribution of banners and fliers to Central Mosques around Lagos as well as engaged Muslim youths in the community. The programme was well accepted and supported with lots of enthusiasm and as an introduction of new experience.

In the second phase, MPAC will be training dedicated volunteers on electoral processes and how to engage their local community to ensure a peaceful, fair and inclusive election. They will also be rolling out a survey to determine the public's main issues of concern for the forthcoming election.

Please stay tuned to gain from the new experience and participate in the positive change you care for.

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