The Muslim Congress (TMC) Press Release ‘Eid-Ul Adha Messages To Nigerians - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

August 22, 2018

The Muslim Congress (TMC) Press Release ‘Eid-Ul Adha Messages To Nigerians

The Muslim Congress (TMC) Press Release ‘Eid-Ul Adha Messages To Nigerians
All praise is due to Allah, the Lord of the universe. May His peace and blessings be upon the noble Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him), his faithful companions and dutiful followers till the end of time, amin.

The Muslim Congress (TMC) congratulates all Muslims in Nigeria on the occasion of ’Eid-ul-Adha, one of the two important festivals in Islam – the other being ’Eid-ul-Fitri. The Congress is particularly thrilled by the sincerity with which Nigerian Muslims across ethnic lines complied with the announcement/Press release of Sultan of Sokoto & President, Nigerian Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Alhaji Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar III that the faithful should align with the lunar counting of Dhul Hijjah as announced by the Saudi Arabia authority. The 100% compliance by NSCIA after consultations demonstrates our love for the leadership of this apex body. All Muslims in Nigeria must learn from this exemplary behaviour.

As we celebrate ’Eid-ul-Adha by eating and drinking on Tuesday August 21, 2018 (10th of Dhul Hijjah 1439AH), The Congress prays that Allah accepts our sacrifices of rams, goats, camels and cows from us as rewardable acts of worship and grants us all Jannat-ul-Firdaus, amin.

Brothers and Sisters in Islam, while engrossed in eating and drinking, we should not forget the memorable lessons of devotion, dedication, commitment and nation-building exemplified by Prophet Ibrahim (Peace be upon him). Allah reminds: And remember that Ibrahim was tried by his Lord with certain commands, which he fulfilled: He said: “I will make thee an Imam to the Nations.” He pleaded: “And also (Imams) from my offspring!” He answered: “But My Promise is not within the reach of evil-doers.” (Qur’an 2:124).

Tomorrow is a period of celebration and merry-making; it is also an opportune time for us to show empathy to fellow Muslims and Non-Muslims through sharing and giving, by providing assistance in cash and in kind to those in serious need. This is the essence of Islamic festivity enjoined by the Prophet (). ’Eid-ul-Adha is also a period for remembrance of Allah, the Exalted and His prohibitions.  Let us remain Muslims while celebrating. Let us avoid indecencies, immodest acts, consumption of alcoholic substances and sexual indiscipline. Allah warns: And who turns away from the religion of Ibrahim but such as debase their souls with folly? Him We chose and rendered pure in this world: And he will be in the Hereafter in the ranks of the Righteous (Q2:130)

More importantly, it is a time for Nigerian Muslims to reflect on the nation’s socio-economic woes, massive unemployment, rising incidence of poverty and insecurity of lives & properties. Let us support our esteemed President Muhammadu Buhari in his fight against corruption and bad governance. It is worrisome and unfortunate that while other countries have continued to enjoy monumental increase in their oil wealth, millions of Nigerians are wallowing in poverty, diseases and destitution because of absence of prudence, transparency and accountability in the manner government businesses are run by the nation’s politicians and technocrats. Let us know that all questionable and impure wealth earned by Muslims as politicians, businessmen, professionals and artisans would lead to perils in this world and the hereafter, because Allah is pure, He will accept nothing but what is pure. Let us imbibe the traits of contentment, discipline, faithfulness, hardwork, selflessness, integrity and patriotism bequeathed to us by the noble Prophet Muhammad ().

Besides, ’Eid-ul-Adha offers a perfect period for all of us as Nigerians to reaffirm our determination, patriotism and unity as a people with great hope and commitment in order to attain greatness among the comity of nations.

As patriotic Muslims, we urge you all to supplicate to Allah for the continued corporate existence of Nigeria and seek divine guidance for the leadership at all levels. The task of nation-building must be shouldered by the leaders and the followers for the nation to progress. Allah will ask the leaders and the led on the Day of Judgement why the wealth bestowed on the nation has become a source of misery. This is food for thought!

This message would be incomplete without reference to our issues of national importance. The Muslim Congress enjoins all Muslims in all the six geographical zones in Nigeria to shun violence and thuggery as the Osun Governorship election and the 2019 General elections draw closer. It is instructive to warn that ballot box snatching, blood shedding, thuggery and brigandage often sponsored by politicians to overshadow their rivals are actions that are antithetical to the dictates of Islam.

In view of the foregoing, The Congress implores all Nigerian Muslims and non-Muslims, both at home and abroad to join the Federal Government of Nigeria in engendering peace and unity in Nigeria. This exhortation should be taken serious to forestall declaration of Nigeria as an unsafe country for beneficial visitors, productive investments and innovative technology.

In conclusion, The Muslim Congress bids the entire Muslims Eidul Mubarak, TaqabalaLlahu minna wa minkum!

Long live Islam and Federal Republic of Nigeria.

Dr. Luqman AbdurRaheem, MNIM, FAAE, FIFP
Amir, The Muslim Congress

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