Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA)1439AH ‘Eidel Adha Goodwill Message - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

August 22, 2018

Nigeria Supreme Council of Islamic Affairs (NSCIA)1439AH ‘Eidel Adha Goodwill Message

The Nigerian Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA) - under the leadership of its President-General and Sultan of Sokoto, His Eminence, Alh. Muhammad Sa’ad Abubakar, CFR, mni – felicitates with the Nigerian Muslim ‘ Ummah and indeed the entire Muslim world on the auspicious occasion of the 1439 AH ‘Eidel Adha celebrations. We beseech Allah to grant us the opportunity to witness many more of it. Amin.

According to the ‘Sunnah of the noble Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Muslims who are not on pilgrimage in the Holy Land are enjoined to fast on the day of ‘Arafat and engage themselves in acts of worship and veneration to Allah, believing that with sincerity of intentions, He will forgive their proclivity to transgressions and overlook their short-comings of the preceding and proceeding years and admit them to His Jannah. We therefore, ask Allah to accept our ‘ibadat, increase our ‘iman and grant us protection, contentment and a grateful heart. Amin.

Fellow servants of Allah, in celebrating this year’s ‘Eidel Adha, we must not lose sight of the quintessential virtues and blessings, as well as the moral and spiritual wisdom of the season. Eidel Adha is a period of introspection and soul searching. It symbolizes Sacrifice, which was sufficiently demonstrated by our patriarch – Prophet Ibrahim (PBUH).

Making sacrifices for the collective good of all and posterity (a key component that is missing in our national life, which is partly responsible for the quagmire we have found ourselves in) is one of the major lessons of the ‘Eid. Our Patriarch was willing to let go (sacrifice) that which he cherished most – his only son, Isma’il as sacrifice in obedience to Allah’s dictates. (Q37:102).

On this note, we urge all Muslims in Nigeria to be good ambassadors of Islam as we continue to promote and embrace peace, and eschew all and any anti- social behaviour(s) that may be inimical to national cohesion and stability.

Finally, the Council beseeches Allah to restore peace and stability to all the troubled parts of our great country and the world at large. We also pray to Allah to grant our leaders the will and courage to stand firm on the path of righteousness, responsible and responsive leadership, good governance and justice to all.

Once again, ‘Eid Mubarak. Taqabbalallahu minna waminkum and Happy Holidays.

Prof. Salisu Shehu
Deputy Secretary-General

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