Inna Lilahi Wa Innah Ilehi Rajihun: MPAC Lost One of Its Volunteers - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

August 22, 2018

Inna Lilahi Wa Innah Ilehi Rajihun: MPAC Lost One of Its Volunteers

It was a mixed feeling for the family, friends and MPAC as Riliwan Oluseye (, one of MPAC Volunteers died shortly before eid day.  

Announcing his death on their facebook page, MPAC says; “His death is a great and irreplaceable loss to his family, friends, MPAC and all our volunteers.”

“He was a talented and accomplished young man with single-minded dedication to serve Allah and to serve humanity. He readily deployed his talents and excitedly put himself forward at a moment notice. We will miss him miserably and pray that Allah forgives him and enter him into the highest station in His paradise.”

“We shall miss his friendly, brotherly company and his valued contribution to our works.”
Waleemah joined MPAC commiserate with everyone that knew him, we solemnly pray that Allah will grant his parents the patience to bear this devastating loss as well as family and friends that he left behind.

"Every soul shall taste death" (Quran, 3:185)

“Blessed is He in whose hand is dominion, and He is over all things competent - [He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving “(Quran, 67:1-2)

“And know that your (worldly) possessions and your children are but a test, and that it is with God with Whom lies your highest reward.” (Quran, 8:28).

MPAC Management

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