Nasfat Organized Refresher Course For Her Missioners - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

January 29, 2018

Nasfat Organized Refresher Course For Her Missioners

As part of the effort to ensure a good leadership among the missioners standing as role models to members, Muslims and people around the world, NASRUL-LAHI-L-FATIH SOCIETY WORLDWIDE has ensure that they are not just well educated (western) to complement their vast religious knowledge (Arabic and Islamic study) but also continuously update their leadership and people oriented skills to lead and counsel their followers.

One of such seminar is the just concluded Refresher course focusing of Counseling as a key function of an Imam
According to one of the participants, it is an eye opener and a good initiatives to improve leadership skill of Muslim leaders as learnt from the lifestyle of Prophet Muhammad (SAW). He says, having someone share with you some of the things you know is to refresh but in adding he is able to learn how to relate and counsel people of diverse characters.
In addition to the counseling session, lecture on Token Economy was delivered by Dr. Airat Sulaiman. The lecture is to educate the missioner on how to motivate their members using some rewarding programme to increase desirable behavior and decrease undesirable behavior

The just concluded training is organized for Lagos and Ogun State Missioners with over 200 missioners/participants in attendant. The training will be replicated in all zones of NASFAT Worldwide.

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