Islamic Education Trust (IET): Bringing Peace to the World - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

January 29, 2018

Islamic Education Trust (IET): Bringing Peace to the World

Founded on 16th Ramadan, 1379 AH (18th November, 1969), Islamic Education Trust (IET) is a charitable organization (NGO) based in the city of Minna in Northern Nigeria devoted to promoting the growth of quality education and ensuring that the perspectives of Islam are successfully combined with the modern school curriculum. IET was founded by;
·         Dr. Sheikh Ahmed Lemu;
·         Hajiya B. Aisha Lemu; and
·         Late Alhaji Sani Ashafa Suleiman.

To convey to the people of Nigeria and the wider world the message of self-surrender (Islam) to the One God and to provide high quality education for Muslims to develop their God-given potential for good and thereby contribute to the righteous development of humanity.

Within the first two years of its foundation with well constituted “Think Tank”, identifying priority activities, and drawing up strategic plans for their execution, the Islamic Education Trust was able to achieve so much in the field of Islamic public enlightenment and teaching of Islamic Studies in some educational institutions in the former North-Western State of Nigeria as to attract the moral and financial support of the State Government, the late Sultan Abubakar III, and many other people in various parts of Nigeria.

With the continued support as well as guidance of Allah in every respect, and with the dedication of the successive staff members and all other stakeholders of the Islamic Education Trust, the organization developed a monitoring and review system for successful implementation of the strategic plans. Consequently, in the span of almost sixty years of its operation, the Islamic Education Trust has now emerged as a model organization of excellence at the national and international levels. It works, specifically in the fields of Da’wah and Education.

With Allah’s blessings, IET has gradually expanded its operations into welfare. It operates eight (8) programmes in areas that include water, medical, educational, and orphan support. In keeping with the teachings of Islam, no recipients of welfare are required to alter their faith.

The headquarters in Minna houses the New Horizons Nursery & Primary school and the College; the Welfare Administrative Centre, the Da’wah Institute of Nigeria (DIN), and the Ilmi Bookshop. IET also administers a nursery and primary school in Sokoto, and the Sunrise International School in Abuja.

The Da’wah Institute conducts self-improvement, financial literacy, family life, and Islamic awareness workshops in both rural and urban areas. Training in inter-faith dialogue to improve peaceful co-existence has been a primary focus.

IET has also produced dozens of Islamic books, audio tapes, and television programmes.

The welfare operations of IET depend on charitable donations. A policy of sound financial management gives the organization a revenue stream that reduces programme costs and ensures stable employment of key staff.

The Trust has developed a reputation internationally as a reliable and accountable organization, capable of delivering results on the ground. Insha Allah, the Islamic Education Trust will continue to assist the people of Nigeria and around the world into the future.


Train the Trainers Courses
This group of courses is designed to help Muslim youth become more confident about their faith and develop the skills to share it with others. This course treats in appropriate depth, with detailed referencing, a number of the most common misconceptions about Islam held by both Muslims and non-Muslims, and the various issues surrounding them. It aims to improve their understanding and appreciation of various aspects of Islam so as to remove any inferiority complexes among Muslims in their practice and presentation of Islam in contemporary society. This is an essential course for those involved in interfaith dialogues at any level. The course manual also has a rich bibliography of highly recommended reading for those involved in sharing Islam with others.

Within the time-table for the TTC’s are scattered sessions for various forms of assessment, drills, mock dialogues, ice-breakers, and fun. In addition brief presentations key topics from other DIN courses are also made, such as from the Personal Development and Leadership Course (PDL), Basic Business and Financial Literacy Course (BFL), and the Da’wah Resource Management Course (DRM).

A major objective of the TTC is the “progressive redundancy of the trainers”. As the course name implies, the goal is to train those who would eventually be trainers themselves.

There are 5 major Courses that complete the whole set of the TTC:
·         Basic Course I (Module 101) (35 hrs.)
·         Basic Course II (Module 102) (35 hrs.)
·         Intermediate Course I (Module 201) (35 hrs.)
·         Intermediate Course II (Module 202) (35 hrs.)
·         Advanced Course (Module 301) (35 hrs.)

Personal Development and Leadership (PDL)
This course demonstrates how to imbibe essential habits for self-improvement and better interpersonal relations. It aims to ensure that participants are empowered with the tools and know-how for their growth and self-development in all spheres of their personal and inter-personal life – spiritual, intellectual, emotional, social, physical and professional.

This course goes through a wide range of issues of relevance to personal development and various forms and levels of leadership. The challenges of good and bad habits, poor self-direction, inertia, reactivity, over-competitiveness, lack of priorities, poor focusing, time and resource-wastage, and life imbalance are all addressed from a faith-based perspective.

The course introduces the field of the “Purification of the heart” (its diseases and their cures), and the importance of developing a healthier “spiritual immune system” for success in this life and the next. It assists participants have a better understanding of the role habits play in our character and lives, understanding habit formation and how to develop habits of effectiveness such as being proactive, optimistic, setting goals and priorities, self-discipline, having good listening skills, being creative, considerate, and committed to continuous self-development, etc.
It also give them a better appreciation of the difference between pleasure and happiness, and the importance of selfless service and being useful to long-lasting personal happiness, self-esteem and quality of life. While presenting the principles of motivation and ways of showing appreciation to various people by leaders, managers, parents, co-workers, etc, the course goes through a couple of proven “thinking tools” and ways of increasing creativity and our ability to make the best use of various opportunities to solve and prevent problems.

The importance of furthering education and continuous learning in today’s “knowledge” and “entrepreneurial society” are stressed as necessary ingredients for sustaining improvements in personal development and leadership. It also presents participants with the key challenges of leadership, the principles of being significant, and ways to motivate and earn the respect of others. It clarifies values-driven strategies for increasing our sphere of influence, and emphasizes the importance of self-development to successful leaders and followers.

Da’wah Grassroots Programme Courses (DGP)
The Da‘wah Grassroots Programme (DGP) is a combination of 5 courses which aim at Islamic enlightenment at the grassroots level, especially in rural areas. The combination of courses is intended to empower rural communities with the ability to continue Islamic propagation and training among other neighbouring communities without dependence on external aid, though follow-up and monitoring are necessary for sustaining success in rural da’wah. The DGP courses include:
·         Public Enlightenment Course
·         Converts’ Training Course
·         Da’wah Methodology
·         Imam Proficiency Courses (Parts I & II)

The DGP usually goes side-by-side with other rural education and development programmes.

Other Programs
Other Islamic Education Trust (IET) programs include;
·         Ethical Reforms
·         International Training

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