The Lagos State Employability Support Project - Waleemah

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August 31, 2018

The Lagos State Employability Support Project

Lagos State
One of the laudable achievements of the present Lagos State administration under the leadership of Governor Akinwunmi Ambode is the establishment of the Lagos State Employment Trust Fund (LSETF) which gave birth to the Lagos State MSME Loan Programme, Lagos Innovation and Employability Programme.

The empolyability wing of the LSETF gave birth to The Lagos State Employability Support Project, the programme which will later become an avenue for employment and business creation.

The Lagos State Employability Support Project
With the support of United Nation Development Programme and Arc Skills, The Lagos State Employability Support Project plan to increase the pool of skilled manpower to alleviate the acute shortages of employable labour.

The project will improve the quality of labour in these sectors: Manufacturing, Health Care, Construction, Entertainment, and Hospitality. It is expected that through the project, about 16,000 skilled manpower will be produced in a three-year period to cater for demand in key sectors. It also includes promotional and access to market – matching participants to jobs - endeavors for Participants.

The project targets unemployed and under employed youths with or without skills and aged 18 to 35 years.

Unlike the typical vocational, the training programmes is a practical on the job in partnership with qualify private companies.

If you are unemployed, underemployed and are interested in building a career in the stated sectors, click here to apply

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