Uniqueness Of Islam - Waleemah

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January 12, 2018

Uniqueness Of Islam

In The Name Of Allah, The Most Beneficent The Merciful

All praises and adorations due to Allah, may His peace and blessing be upon the noble of mankind Muhammad (S.A.W), his companions and generality of all Muslims.

Reviewing the principles of Islam and it jurisprudence, one will surely notice that Islam has the most beauty uniqueness without a limit.

Surely, in any circumstances or conditions you will find Islam as the perfect religion from Allah. In other article of reviewing its uniqueness as follows:

Believed by Muslims as the creator of the universe, same God in which Jews and Christians believe, Allah is thought to serve as the fullest revelation of God known to humanity. Unlike Christians and Jews, Muslims believe that only Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) and the Holy Quran as pure sources of information about God provides essential information about Allah's names and attributes. Allah's many attributes in the Quran include close, loving and forgiving. Additionally, the All-Merciful and Source of Peace represent two of Allah's 99 names.

Believed by Muslims as the last of all Prophets; In Islam, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) serves as the final prophet who brought God's final revelation (Qur’an). Based on the Quran, Muslims also acknowledge the prophets of Judaism and believed that Jesus was merely another prophet and not the son of God. Called Rasulullah “God's Messenger” Muhammad (S.A.W) lived in the sixth century. He receives vision and subsequently preaches series of messages about the oneness of Allah. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W) remains Islam's central source of God's revelation to the world and the first to begin the spread of Islam that continues today. The other monotheistic religions do not acknowledge Muhammad (S.A.W) as a prophet of Allah, but Muslims believed in all Prophets.

As Jews look to the Torah and Christians follow the Old and New Testaments, Muslims turn to the Quran for spiritual guidance. The Qur’an was originally transmitted to Muhammad (S.A.W) in Arabic through readings and sermons that record the revelations Muhammad (S.A.W) received over 22 years. Unlike the Bible, which has numerous translations and versions, Muslims and many Islamic Western scholars believed that the Qur’an of the modern era contains nearly the same language as contained in Muhammad's (S.A.W) revelations. For Muslims, reciting the Quran in original Arabic brings God's blessings and remains till eternity.

Five Pillars
The Five Pillars provide Muslims with guidance in every situation. The Pillars give Muslims around the world a sense of communal observance with implications for daily and for entire lives. The first and second pillars affirm Islam's central truth. That only Allah is worthy to be worshiped and Muhammad (S.A.W) is Allah's prophet, accomplishing five time daily prayer, giving a portion of income to the needy, fasting during Ramadan and pilgrimage to Mecca (the Hajj).

Muslims ought to be thankful to Allah for the precious gift of religion. May Allah guide and lead us not to go astray.

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