Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) - Waleemah

. . . Propagating Islam and Celebrating Muslim Worldwide

January 12, 2018

Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC)

MPAC is an incorporated public service agency working for Muslim Defense, Muslim Empowerment and for promoting individual liberties, religious, civil and political rights of Muslims. MPAC is equally devoted to promoting the integration of Islam into the Nigerian pluralism, for a positive and constructive relationship between Nigerian Muslims and other elements in the society; building the Nigerian Muslim constituency to become an influential component in the Nigerian politics, at all levels of policy-making arena; and making Islamic ethical values available to the Nigerian political process. As an experienced and independent voice within the Nigerian Muslim community working for the good of the society, MPAC operates on the core Islamic values of justice, mercy, human dignity, freedom, sanctity of human life and equality for all.

Incorporated as an independent Muslim public service agency, Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) seeks to work with the community in pursuing the following aims and objectives:
To act as a public service agency working for the rights of all Muslims, for the integration of Islam into Nigerian pluralism, and for a positive relationship between Nigerian Muslims and other elements in the society. Thus, establishing the Nigerian Muslim identity as a positive and constructive element of Nigerian pluralism.

1.      To be a non-partisan body to build the Nigerian Muslim constituency and make this body an influential component in the Nigerian politics, at all levels of policy-making arena and making Islamic ethical values available to the Nigerian political process.

2.      To raise awareness of and combat Islamophobia through constructive, proactive and educational means thus projecting a more balanced image of Islam.

3.      To provide a reliable source of receiving accounts and reports on local and international events and crises involving Muslims locally and internationally, and to work with the victims of such crises for the purpose of seeking, obtaining and giving aids and support in terms of their immediate basic needs.

4.      To provide a medium whereby members of the Nigerian Muslim community are educated and encouraged to learn and implement the practical Islamic culture of Service to Allah, Service to the Community and Service to Self.

5.      To organize seminars, workshops, conferences and trainings aimed at educating the public and private sectors, the government and the general public on Islam and Muslim public affairs.

MPAC Project
Muslim Public Affairs Centre (MPAC) works with the community in pursuing the following projects as a way to promote and facilitate the practice of Islam as well as project Muslims as diverse and vibrant community contributing to the well-being and prosperity of our nation in numerous ways;

·         Sakinah Project: MPAC launched the Sakinah Project in 2009 as one of our social outreach projects to provide world class care and treatment for indigent and needy Muslim and non-Muslim members of the Nigerian society that have been falling through the cracks. The Sakinah Fund provides Muslims a chance to have a personal impact on others. To be someone's dream and the means to realize the dream. The Project and the Fund are dedicated to serve humanity, and through this many generous Muslim Nigerians have been helping their brothers and sisters, Muslims and non Muslims. Through the generous donation of Muslim Nigerians, many Nigerian families have realized their dreams of full recovery after much suffering and living in despair. Read more about Sakinah Project here.
·         Abode of Mercy; Death is a very painful and emotional time, yet one that may be filled with hope and mercy. Muslims believe that death is a departure from the life of this world, but not the end of a person’s existence. Rather, eternal life is to come, and we pray for God’s mercy to be with the departed, in hopes that they may find peace and happiness in the life to come.

The deceased should then be taken to the cemetery for proper burial- while those who attend the burial humbly remember Allah and His mercy, and pray for the deceased. Thereafter, mourning is observed, in Islam, by increased devotion, receiving visitors and condolences, and avoiding decorative clothing and jewelry. In Nigeria, safe for a few mixed cemeteries, there is a great need for a Muslim cemetery that will cater to the specific needs of the Muslim community. Click here to read more.
·         Dawah & Publications; Imagine gaining a fraction of reward for every person who learns something from the Quran or reverts to Islam as a result of reading the Quran. Not only are you fulfilling your Islamic responsibility of facilitating dawah but your contribution also fulfills your duty to give charity (sadaqah jaariyah) both of which are incumbent upon Muslims. Enjoy any of our publications and pass them to others. Will you support us? Will you be making the spiritual investment? No one can put a price on someone taking their shahadah, but the next time someone joins our great family as a result of reading the Qur'an, you will know that you have played a part.  Read more about this project here.
·         Civic Projects ; Advising and monitoring the Federal, State and Local governments about their duties in Muslim affairs, towards protecting Muslim rights and ethical leadership. Through analysis of its work, MPAC aims to respond to Government needs; offer consultations and provide briefings and other aids to government departments as well as government and public officials on challenging or combating Islamophobia and Muslim alienating trends in society.
·         Community Outreach: Provide sensitivity training and packs for Muslims and Non-Muslims, sensitize and aid Muslim students to develop and implement initiatives to provide solutions for key campus-related issues, To promote interfaith cooperation and dialogue around shared values and beliefs. To organize, print and distribute MPAC Packs. Training packs that will specifically target Islamophobia and present the true meanings and definitions of many concepts in Islam; thus dismantling misconceptions and myths that are usually stood on their heads to demonize Muslims and Islam. MPAC will engage and set up positive relationships with other Islamic organizations to promote coalition building to take on direct or joint defense and empowerment projects.
·         Media Relations: Effective Media Monitoring, Response and Media Lobbying.
·         Political Lobbying: Political Leadership, Thought Leadership, Leadership Training, Lobbying and Advocacy.

SoulMates: The MPAC Matrimonial Service

Nikkah is my Sunna. He who shuns my Sunna is not of me - Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
So you have decided that you want to find that special someone, the person that makes you feel complete and gives you an opportunity to complete your faith, looking forward to each and every day. The first step is taking advantage of your resources- dua, expanding your visibility, and then a bit of luck.

MPAC E-Cards
You can send various ecards to your friends & family members during Eid, Wedding, any special events or even any inspiring messages from Al-Quran.

MPAC Photo Gallery
Various Image collections

MPAC Newsletter
MPAC is an incorporated public service agency working for Muslim Defence, Muslim Empowerment and for promoting individual liberties, religious, civil and political rights of Muslims. MPAC is equally devoted to promoting the integration of Islam into the Nigerian pluralism, for a positive and constructive relationship between Nigerian Muslims and other elements in the society; building the Nigerian Muslim constituency to become an influential component in the Nigerian and world politics, at all levels of policy-making arena; and making Islamic ethical values available to the Nigerian political process. As an experienced and independent voice within the Nigerian Muslim community working for the good of the society, MPAC operates on the core Islamic values of justice, mercy, human dignity, freedom and equality for all.

MPAC Needs You

Every day, the MPAC office is used to do an important work for the Ummah. The task of representing the Ummah is a shared responsibility that MPAC is taking seriously. The MPAC office is being used as a clearing house for the most important issues that affect the Ummah, and the larger society.

The office space provides us the chance to work in a conducive environment to implement our plans and incubate new ones. We passionately urge you to make handsome donations towards running the office. All contributions would be well appreciated and no amount is too little. Remember, we need YOU to keep the engine running. Your contributions will give us the moral support and assurance that what we do is valued. So be our helper, however little. Please, be our angel.

Make a Transfer
You can transfer money directly into the MPAC accounts from your own account using the account details below. Should you wish to receive MPAC Official Receipt for your payment please send us your contact and donation details at .

Make a Cash Deposit
You can directly deposit a one-off or regular cash donation into the MPAC accounts using the account details below. Should you wish to receive MPAC Official Receipt for your payment please send us your contact and donation details at

Donate by Cheque
Make your cheque addressed to MPAC and deposit the cheque in any branch of Stanbic IBTC bank (a/c No.: 0006479106). Should you want to be called back or receive MPAC Official Receipt for your payment please contact us on +234 803 535 0720 or send us your contact and donation details at

Donation from Abroad
For all your donation queries from abroad please email:
If you wish to make donation to MPAC through your Nigerian contact or online, select one of the donation options above to remit your donation.


Request a Call Back
If you are unsure which method is best for you, or wish to talk to someone about any of the payment methods, you may contact our finance team to request a call back at or by calling us on +234 803 535 0720.

Bank Account Detail

Account Name:          Muslim Public Affairs Centre
Bank:                          Stanbic IBTC Bank
Account Number:     0006479106

MPAC is deeply grateful for the past and present support. MPAC is committed to working with you, for YOU and for OUR future generations of Muslims.

Say: “Truly, my Lord enlarges the provision for whom He wills of His slaves, and also restricts (it) for him, and whatsoever you spend of anything (in God’s Cause), He will replace it.  And He is the Best of providers.” (Quran 34:39)

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